Eclipse shortcuts for mac
Eclipse shortcuts for mac

eclipse shortcuts for mac

This page will re-display itself, with this information absent. Click the Accept button, which appears under Required in red (it is in a small font: look for it carefully).Īgain, click Yes to the Security Window pop-up, if it appears.A page, with the label Download in orange, will be displayed in your browser. Click Yes to the Security Window pop-up, if it appears. Find the section labeled JDK 5.0 Update 8 and click its Download button (the fourth one from the top).DownloadingĪ page, with this label in orange, will be displayed in your browser.


The following instructions were composed for installing Sun Java 1.5.0_08 (aka JDK 5.0 update 8).This may not be the latest version, but it is the one that we are using this semester.Note: Java is already installed as part of Mac OS X, so no further installation is necessary for these machines.Ensure, though, that you have the right version by typing java -version to the unix command prompt the response should be something like java version '1.5.0_08'Ī typical Java installation takes about 400 megabytes of disk space.The installation process reports the exact size. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, you can easily delete an app in less than a minute, instead of removing all files step by step.

eclipse shortcuts for mac

App Cleaner & Uninstaller is a software which helps to remove applications from a Mac completely.

eclipse shortcuts for mac

Uninstall Eclipse using App Cleaner & Uninstaller. I'm sorry if there is something I missed. I've been trying to start eclipse IDE on my Mac for a while, I downloaded different versions and no one works. IMPORTANT: Install Java first, BEFORE you install Eclipse. You may want to print these instructions before proceeding.You should read each step completely before performing the action it describes.Because these products may change slightly each semester, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you find any discrepancies between these instructions and what actually happens when you try to follow them.

Eclipse shortcuts for mac